Lailah Lavender

Lailah Lavender

3.00$ por minuto
  • Rating
  • Edad 28
  • Sexo Mujer
  • Ubicación Minnesota, United States of America (USA)
  • Orientación sexual Bisexual
  • Habla English
  • Ojos Verde
  • Cabello Verde
  • Complexión Promedio
  • Tamaño de senos Pequeña: A-B

I'm a small girl with a big attitude, I have the mouth of a sailor and love being a sarcastic bitch. I love dark and creepy things, red and black are my favorite colors although I do love the rainbow. My style is like dark boho gothic hippie I guess, I normally never wear panties or bras. I love playing games, drawing, crafting, singing, dancing, taking care of animals and want to create cosplays in the future. My dream is to travel the world and take all kinds of beautiful photos everywhere! ♥

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Lailah Lavender

$3.00 por minuto


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